Thursday, January 27

Everybody Loves You, Steve!

Do you like podcasts? I like podcasts! It's a brand new year, Dear Imaginary Reader, and to help celebrate this joyous occassion, it is my great honor to deliver two, that's right TWO new podcasts for your listening pleasure!

Monday, January 24

The Bank Foreclosed On My House On Memory Lane

Now that January is almost over, I think now is the perfect time to unleash my daringly conventional "Best Of 2010" and "Worst Of 2010" lists. Why? Because conformity is important to me. If you read this delightful blog regularly (and I know you do!), then you know that much about me. I have always tried my best to fit in. That's how I fuck with The Man. Let's just get this over with.

Friday, January 14

Wait, What Happened To Astrology?!

                      Happy New Year, Cocksuckers!!!

I've recently been overcome with post-holiday malaise. 2011 showed up and killed my motivation. I've mostly been sitting around, playing Dragon Age: Origins and its numerous expansion packs. I've owned the game for over a year, and have played through the epic storyline several times, but I've never played any of the expansions until recently, when I purchased the "ultimate edition". So that was obviously the perfect excuse to immerse myself in the world of Ferelden once again.