Wednesday, April 6

Podcasting Is A Man's Vocation!

(After the previous entry's rather dour mood destroying the relaxed, slightly unhinged vibe here at The Book Of Lies, the writer of that entry has been sacked. Back to business as usual, boys and girls! -The Management)

It's April, folks! A brand new month, with all of the possibilities that it brings. And in that spirit, the Mediocre Entertainment Manufacturing Drones here at Fenderman Incorporated have toiled long and hard to deliver the latest installment of The Podcast Of Lies to you, Dear Imaginary Listener.

You have no idea how lucky you are, for this episode is truly astonishing. Entitled Battle For The Planet Of The Showgirls, this episode dips its toes into many fetid tide pools of pop culture, including the ever-changing roster of The Black Eyed Peas, the beloved comedy classics Caddyshack and Animal House, and the disturbingly real connection between the maligned Robert Davi masterpiece Showgirls and the amazing 1970's Planet Of The Apes franchise. It's all there, man! You just have to read between the lines and it's staring you right in the face, like some sort of forgotten trickster god, eternally mocking you with its sneering visage.

I can't believe this podcast is free, because it's so damned cool, you'll wish you could pay me for the privilege of listening to its life-changing glory. You are welcome.

P. S. - A Source Code review is forthcoming. It's gonna be creepy!


  1. Started off boring, but the Showgirls shit was hilarious. That girl from Saved by the Bell really does look like an alien.

  2. Especially when she emerges from that volcano after she takes over from Gina Gershon as the star of the "Goddess" stage show. There's a real "Species" vibe in that moment. Eh...

  3. Hey, are you the same Finnegan who called me a creepy asshole in my last podcast entry?

  4. Man, you don't remember "Caddyshack" at all, do you?

  5. Why the hell is every comment I see on my blog posted so early in the morning? Don't any of you people sleep?!
