Friday, September 17

Feeling Your Backbone Turn Into Glue

August just breezed right by, didn't it? A whole month gone away, and what do I have to show for it? Last time around, I said there would be a new episode posted whenever the fuck I got around to it, and I guess I just couldn't get around to it last month. It's becoming more and more difficult to find the motivation to do a lot of things, I've found. Not much cause for hope in this world anymore. I've tried to look on the brighter side, but I can't really see it very well these days. I've tried to simply ignore all of the horrible news that just keeps spewing forth every single day, but I can't really do that, either. This has all been wearing me down little by little for as long as I can remember, and it's starting to really screw with my head. 

But none of that's your problem, so I'll stop bumming you out with my morose rambling. You don't want to hear any of this sad-sack bullshit. You don't want to hear that we're all fucking doomed and there's nothing we can do to stop this slow, creeping death that's looming like a great shadow over us all, blotting out the sun and drowning us in a suffocating blackness from which there is no escape. Nobody wants to hear that. We don't want to be reminded that this society, this world, is nearing a breaking point, and not a soul wants to imagine the blood-soaked nightmare that awaits us beyond that tattered veil. No, you don't want to think about any of that. Any neither do I, frankly, so let's just move on. 

To what, I don't hear you asking? Why, the first brand-new episode of Trappo's Chap House since July 31st, that's what! In this amazing little twelve minutes of... whatever... your intrepid hosts discuss masturbating in church, dank moth memes, booze, ham sandwiches, terrible, racist jokes, and a good friend I had back in high school who liked to get blitzed on vodka during first period and may or may not have been in the Latin Kings. It's a whole lot to unpack, so get to it!

Chapter 47: Jeff Came (To The Baby Shower)



That's it for now. But there is something coming. Something we've been working on for a while. A new project that will be revealed in the next few weeks, and we're pretty excited about it. So just hang on for a little while longer, and there will be some new shit coming. We hope you're wearing adult diapers, because this news is gonna make you shit your fucking pants, it's to exciting. Until then...


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