Thursday, November 11

Game Over?!

The final entry in the excrutiatingly-long franchise, "Saw 3D", was loosed from the loins of Lionsgate into megaplexes across the country on Halloween weekend. And what was I doing on Halloween? Well, because I have essentially no social life, I was at one of those megaplexes, watching "Saw 3D". And because my cousin Ky is a mysterious fellow, he decided to join me.

We watched the damned movie, and now we've recorded a podcast wherein we ramble semi-coherently about it. Here it is:

And because that's not nearly enough, and because we have a lot of free time on our hands, we decided to record an additional podcast wherein we attempt to discuss the "Saw" franchise, in general. Here it is:

I understand that in posting this so far removed from Halloween, it is essentially irrelevant. Who the hell wants to hear two strange dudes talking about any "Saw" movies after Halloween? But you see, that's not my problem. I'm just the guy who stands on his Internet Soapbox, shouting into the void. It's a lonely existence, but I'm used to it.

P.S. - "Due Date" review forthcoming.

1 comment:

  1. SAW collectibles, autographs, scripts, props and wardrobe are available in the Official SAW Store. Free Shipping Available!
