Sunday, November 7

If A Jackass Falls In The Forest...

I recently sat down at the local movie house with my pal Ky, and we saw a little film called "Jackass 3D". A few weeks later, we recorded a podcast about "Jackass 3D". Coincidence?

This short and sweet "review" is directly below. If you would like to visit our movie review podcast page, you can click here.

I hope you, Dear Imaginary Reader, enjoy the podcast format, because very soon I will be unleashing not only a review of "Saw 3D: The Traps Come Alive And Fuck Everyone's Lives", but also a retrospective of sorts, covering the entire "Saw" franchise.

I'll also be rambling about "Due Date" some time in the near future, but that rant will be in glorious Retro Text!


1 comment:

  1. thank you for the high quality trailer! it's definitely do the work and make you want to see the movie! thanx again!
