Sunday, October 31

Samhain Forever!!!

This delightful blog now has its very own podcast! That's right, ladies and gentlemen! The Book Of Lies begat The Podcast Of Lies!

Our inaugural episode, entitled "The Horror Show", was recorded on October 28th, and it features myself (Dustin) and my dear cousin (Ky). We discuss all manner of Halloween-related ephemera, including our favorite horror movies, what scared us as children, and the television output of one Mr. Stephen King.

There's no structure to the whole endeavor. It's really just a couple of dudes hanging out late at night, shooting the shit. We laugh, we cry, we talk about "Ravenous". You can give it a listen below, or visit our podcast page here.

Have a happy Halloween, Dear Imaginary Reader!

P.S. - There will be a review of "Jackass 3D" in some form in the very near future, as well as a discussion about the "Saw" franchise. Yes, I am seeing "Saw 3D: The Traps Come Alive" today. And I did watch the previous 6 (!?) entries in the series over the last several days. I'm still not sure why.


  1. Not a bad start. A little too long, though. "Wizard Of Oz" freaked me out, too!

  2. It really is too long. I read It when I was 12 and that kiddie orgy shit was weird.

  3. Sewer Fucking! LOL
