Thursday, January 27

Everybody Loves You, Steve!

Do you like podcasts? I like podcasts! It's a brand new year, Dear Imaginary Reader, and to help celebrate this joyous occassion, it is my great honor to deliver two, that's right TWO new podcasts for your listening pleasure!

First off, a little discussion about the silent Fritz Lang masterpiece Metropolis. Well, it's not so much a discussion about the film itself, so much as a discussion of the restoration of said masterpiece. Then again, it's not so much a discussion about the restoration as it is... Oh screw it. Just listen for yourself:

Wasn't that great?! Moving on, I now bring your our very latest podcast, being a discussion of sports movies. We talk about all the classics: Rudy, A League Of Their Own, & Tootsie! That's right, there are only three classic sports movies out there. I bet you thought there were a lot more. Maybe stuff like The Natural, Eight Men Out, Field Of Dreams, etc. But you'd be wrong. Those movies just aren't up to snuff. Allow me and my dear cousin to explain why:

That's better. Now that the podcast bug is out of my system for the time being, let me remind you that I will type up some words regarding the Seth Rogen-starring The Green Hornet sometime soon. It's inevitable. Like cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Julia Roberts playing Geena Davis playing Sean Astin playing Rudy? That shit's pretty funny.
