Saturday, June 11

I Fell Into A Puddle And Ruined My Pants!

The whole damned world was shaking last night. Heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and WIND! It was one hell of a show. Better than that boring "Pink Floyd Experience" I saw several years ago. I went in expecting some sort of kitschy laser light show spectacular, but what I got was a computer generated short film version of their "Dark Side Of The Moon" album. I can't get behind that.

I would have rather just sat in the dark, listening to the album whilst under the influence of hallucinagens. A terrible way to waste a Halloween night.

What the fuck am I talking about? This has nothing to do with anything. I popped in to share the latest episode of The Podcast Of Lies with you, Dear Imaginary Listener, and here I am poorly rambling about some mediocre musical experience that must have taken place seven years ago. Holy shit, man. Seven years? Where the fuck did my life go?

One moment I'm sitting in a darkened auditorium, watching a series of cash registers dancing merrily across my field of vision to the tune of Pink Floyd's "Money", and the next moment I'm sitting in front of a computer, sweating like a malformed wizard, feeling time slipping through my fat, sausage-like fingers. Oh well. I can always kill myself later.

Right now, I have more important business to discuss. New business! For a brand-new month!

Podcast business!

This month's delightful installment of The Podcast Of Lies is entitled Revenge Of The Franklicons, and it's a special thing. Within this auditory marvel, we, being my cousin Ky and myself, discuss a plethora of topics, including the origins of cinematic force of nature Jim Varney, the majesty of former musician Eddie Money, and Transformers. More specifically, we talk about the lesser known Transformers. The ones you've never heard of. They're called "Franklicons", and they're something else, let me tell you.

Join us below as we blow the lid off the "Franklicon Conspiracy". You won't regret it. Or maybe you will. Frankly, I don't really care.

P. S. - That X-Men: First Class review is still coming. As well as some other "stuff". Heh, heh...

1 comment:

  1. I used to have a few Rock Lords. They were fucking worthless.
