Friday, November 28

Let's Burn Together, Little Children

Thanksgiving is over. Black Friday has arrived. Multitudes of sweating, half-crazed fools killing each other and embarrassing themselves, their families, and the United States of America all for a slightly cheaper flat-screen television. Is it all worth it? Is it? This world is a cesspool, and we're all drowning in shit.

Where was I during the month of November? None of your damned business. I don't owe you anything. You're not entitled to anything from me. Anonymous folks leave such hurtful comments, then wonder why I'm not providing them with any new content to disparage in their free time. I've received several emails making similar inquiries, and it accomplishes the same thing as the comments: absolutely nothing.

I'll update this blog when I'm damned good and ready to update this blog, and that's the end of it. I'm not on your schedule, you stupid sons of bitches. This is DUSTIN TIME.

So here's a brand-new episode of Fuck Your Worthless Opinions, Loser, and it's all about racism. Well, not entirely about racism, but there's plenty of it in there. There's also some Ric Flair love, and some appreciation of The Wiz, which is always a good thing. Enjoy it. Or don't. It's not my call:

Chapter 76: Race Relations In Today's America

Next month, I'm going to do something a little different to commemorate the festive holiday season. Different from what I usually do, I mean. It will start soon-ish, and it will be a lot of fun. Maybe. It might be a total clusterfuck. Who knows? We'll find out together, motherfuckers. See you in December.



  1. Why would anybody read this blog with the way you talk to your readers, you bitter asshole.

  2. Stop with all the old pics of busted old ladies with ugly ass faces. And pick some naked ladies who know how to take care of their downstairs business. That hair is out of control and it needs to go.
