Monday, November 30

Countdown To Extinction

It's been a little while since we last spoke, Dear Imaginary Reader. Nearly a month, in fact. So how have you been? How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was... adequate, I suppose.

I'm not big on Thanksgiving, generally. I don't feel particularly thankful this year, to be perfectly honest. That's a polite way of saying that, as far as I'm concerned, 2015 has been little more than an out-of-control garbage fire, and it can just go straight to hell. 

Not that I think 2016 will be any better, mind you. No, if the past is any indication, next year will be a little bit worse. That garbage fire will grow a little bit larger, and a little bit hotter, until it eventually consumes everything that matters to me, leaving nothing behind but ashes and painful memories. 

Am I bumming you out? Sorry about that. I'm just a little depressed right now, because I've decided to do something absolutely awful to myself starting tomorrow. Do you remember last year around this time, when I introduced the 12 Days Of Schlock-Mas feature, and I nearly drove myself to an early grave as I subjected my fragile psyche to the torture of watching a dozen dumb family-oriented Christmas-themed made-for-TV movies in as many days, sharing my pain with all of you? 

No, I'm not doing that again this year. That would be stupid. 

This year, I'll be watching 25 dumb family-oriented Christmas-themed made-for-TV movies in as many days. It's a little thing I've unimaginatively named 25 Days Of Schlock-Mas. 

The rules of this experiment are the same as last year: I'll choose a random movie playing on the Hallmark Channel's never-ending Countdown To Christmas marathon each day, then, providing I don't go insane or die of boredom, I will babble about it for a little while here on this shit heap of a blog, providing a final verdict of Naughty or NiceAnd this year, I promise to actually stick with the rating system throughout the entire month, which I failed to do last time, due to my own apathy with rating systems in general

I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. It's not like I'm going to have a whole bunch of free time on my hands this month. There's shit to be done, and I really shouldn't be committing myself to such a monumental (and ultimately completely pointless) task. But there it is. Apparently I'm a masochist. 

Come back tomorrow for the beginning of this waking nightmare. Then just keep coming back every day, and watch me slowly lose my mind throughout the month of December. It's going to be a bloodbath. Until then...



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