Sunday, September 20

Ain't Got No Records To Play


It's that time again, boys and girls! Time for a brand-new episode of Trappo's Chap House, the podcast that, according to my current statistics, somebody out there listens to, much to my surprise. Not only do people (not a lot of people, mind you, but people, plural, nonetheless) listen to this misbegotten audio nightmare, but sometimes they actually download the fucking thing, because they just need to archive episodes of Trappo for future generations. Why? I have absolutely no idea. 

Hell, I wouldn't download episodes of Trappo. That's just nuts. But whatever floats your boat, kiddies. 

The pandemic is still in full swing, despite whatever these politicians may tell you, large swathes of the country are still on fire, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died a few days ago and the ghouls at the GOP are licking their chops waiting to fill her vacant seat on the Supreme Court as soon as they possibly can, despite the precedent they themselves set four years ago, because they're all rotten hypocrites with no morals and no empathy, and this country is rapidly descending into fascist authoritarianism, but who gives a shit about any of that nonsense when we've got podcasts to listen to?! 

On today's delightful episode, confusingly named Fear Of Florian (Heavy Busey), Ky and myself discuss the work of legendary Kraut Rock outfit Kraftwerk, June Bugs, the sad clowns of the insect world, the latest affront to all that is good and holy failed human being Gary Busey has unleashed upon an unsuspecting populace, and the horrible glory that is Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal. It's nearly nineteen minutes of "what the fuck am I listening to", and you're going to love every single second of it. That's the Trappo guarantee. So go listen to it. Right now.

Chapter 21: Fear Of Florian (Heavy Busey)

Before I check out for the month, I have some exciting news for you guys. Are you sitting down? Because you should probably be sitting down for this. Are you sitting down yet? I can't tell because I'm typing from the past and can't see you right now, so I'm just going to go ahead and assume you're sitting down. Okay, dudes and dudettes. Here's the news... 

Trappo's Chap House is now on iTunes! Can you believe it?! Because I certainly fucking can't! 

Our delightful little podcast that couldn't is on fucking iTunes, right next to all those real podcasts that folks listen to every single day. Wait, is it still called iTunes? Have they re-branded it? I thought I read something about that. Is it just Apple Podcasts, now? Whatever it's called, the Chap House is on it, and you can listen to all of our episodes there right now. So just search for Trappo on your computer or your app and click subscribe, because it's so easy to do. Take Trappo with you, wherever you go. On a morning run. At your grandma's funeral. At your cousin's wedding. In the car. In the hospital after you crash your car because you were listening to Trappo and got distracted because you were laughing too hard. Trappo is world-wide, motherfuckers! So subscribe to Trappo's Chap House on iTunes, or whatever the fuck it's called now, and help us change the world! 

That's it for now. Until next time, just take it sleazy, cheesy!

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