Sunday, September 6

We Can't Rewind, We've Gone Too Far


Maybe this is just going to be a bi-weekly podcast. That might solve this little problem of mine. So I guess from this point on, just assume that Trappo's Chap House is a bi-weekly podcast. Unless I decide to start posting weekly again. Or maybe I'll skip a few weeks from time to time. Perhaps I'll never publish a new episode again. It's all up in the air right now, folks! And I'm not just talking about this dumb shit podcast that nobody listens to. But I really don't want to get into any of that crap today. It's not good for my health. 

Of course I use the term "health" in a more relative sense. I'm not in great shape so much these days, although in a weird way I also might be healthier than I've ever been before in my life. Is that confusing? I'm doing better in some ways, but in other ways I'm doing much worse. That's what I mean. Shit, that might be more confusing. I'm in chronic pain, and I have absolutely no hope for the future, both in a general meaning and on a personal level. These past few years have pretty much hollowed me out, and not just figuratively. But that's neither here nor there. 

So what's new? California is on fire. Again. Ky's sending me pictures of fully-involved mountains he passes by on his morning walks, and that fills me with dread. But at least September is here. That means October is almost here. And that means it's practically Halloween. Soon the oppressive heat will be replaced with cool autumn breezes, and instead of walking over baked-out, rain-starved grass, I'll be crunching through piles of fallen leaves. It's gonna be great. I don't know what things are like where you live, so who knows if you even have seasons in your neck of the woods. Maybe you live in the fucking desert and every single day is exactly the same, so the passage of the seasons is a completely meaningless abstraction to you. I have absolutely no idea, and I really don't care. 

But you know what I do care about? Fucking podcasts. No, not fucking podcasts, I don't even know how you could fuck a podcast. I just mean to say that I care about podcasts. More specifically, the podcast that I'm here to talk about. Trappo's Chap House. That's the podcast I mean. This episode, entitled THE FEAR (The One Where Trappo Sells Out), is particularly bleak. The first half is mostly just myself and my cousin discussing how the world is probably ending before our very eyes. After that, we briefly attempt to come up with a plan to give our little podcast that couldn't a little more structure, but then we just give up and start trying to whore ourselves out to a number of potential sponsors, because Trappo's fucking broke. That's pretty much everything. Seventeen minutes of stuff.

Chapter 20: THE FEAR (The One Where Trappo Sells Out)


So that was fun. What do you say we all get together back here sometime between now and October and do it all over again? Sounds like a plan. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go sit in the dark and silently weep for a few hours while watching old episodes of UK Gladiators on YouTube. At this point, the antics of that middle-aged rapscallion Wolf are about the only thing that's keeping me going. Apparently he owns some gyms down in New Zealand these days. That's pretty cool. I'm glad he's still alive, at any rate. You have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Whatever. Just Google that fucker. I'm out. 

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