Sunday, June 13

Let Me Be Weak, Let Me Sleep And Dream Of Sheep

Summer has arrived and the heat is on, my friends. It's just plain damn miserable to spend any appreciable time outdoors right now, and since it's only early June, this trend should be expected to hold strong until at least late September, which is wonderful news. At least a slow-moving thunderstorm passed by a few days ago, dumping around three inches of rain in an extended torrential downpour, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Why am I talking about the weather? I don't know. Maybe because I don't really have much else to talk about at the moment. You'd think after all these years that I'd learn to come back to this blog with some kind of topic on my mind that I can natter on about for a few paragraphs before getting to the business at hand, but it almost never works out that way. I guess I'm just a slow learner. 

How's the weather where you live? Do you have weather, or is that not a thing in your neck of the woods? Weather discussion is always a reliable ice breaker in social situations, so I've been told. I don't recall ever actually trying this out in any real-life scenarios, and I'm not particularly eager to give it a shot. Mostly because I don't generally care about the weather. If there's a big storm coming, or we're in the middle of a drought, I'll tune in for a few minutes, but that's pretty much it for me. I hate the heat, but if you've ever read this blog before you probably already know that, so I'm really just repeating myself. Please don't tell me about the weather (or lack thereof) wherever you live. I really don't care. 

And I know you don't care about Trappo's Chap House, but here it is anyway, another brand-new episode to be posted and ignored in this dark and forgotten corner of the world-wide web that is my blog. Did I ever have any true ambitions in the field of podcasting? When this all started back in 2010 with the inaugural episode of The Podcast Of Lies, did I dare to dream that I would actually build an audience with this crap? I honestly can't remember. Maybe? Even if I did, over a decade of... whatever this is... has proven conclusively that there really is no audience for my particular brand of podcastery. And I get it. People just don't want to listen to clips of two random people they've never met babbling on about a series of topics that do not at all interest them. A decade of failure should have convinced me to hang up the towel and just stop trying. Instead, I persist. I keep making the same podcast with the same people, over and over again, merely changing the name in some vain effort to convince folks on the internet that maybe the stuff I'm posting might actually entertain them. Spoiler alert: it never entertains them. 

But I'm still here, doing the same thing, because I'm not really doing it for you. This is really just something for me to do, a small hobby that I enjoy, and sure, it would be nice if other people actually liked this stuff, but it's not a requirement. I learned a long time ago that I'm just a mediocre human being with nothing meaningful to contribute to society, and as such most people simply ignore me because I'm not really worth their time. We can't all be somebody, kids. Sometimes we can't be anybody. One day, I'll be dead. And one day, my podcasts will just quietly disappear from the internet when PodOmatic inevitably shuts its virtual doors and its servers go offline, and absolutely nothing of value will be lost. 

Until that day, the podcasts will continue. 

This week's exciting episode includes discussions of Neil Gaiman's most heart wrenching moment in his seminal work of graphic fiction The Sandman, pointless nihilism in the recent Epix contemporary adaptation of H.G. Wells's The War Of The Worlds, revisionist twists in popular culture of the classic Peter Pan saga, and exciting new archeological finds that might just change the way we look at ancient agriculture. So pretty much standard boilerplate, I guess. 

Chapter 44: Peter Pan's Cave Of Horrors


That's it. I'm done. Have a great week. I don't care.


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