Friday, May 8

It's A Pandemic Podcast-Palooza!

It's been a little while, folks. And, well... let's just say a lot has changed since last we spoke. December feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? Such quaint times those were. How naive we used to be, lo those many months ago. Basically, everything just sucks now. People are dying, nobody has a job, and the world feels like it's coming apart at the seams. The responsible people are trying to keep their distance from everybody they know and love, the irresponsible people are seemingly trying to get everybody (including themselves) killed because muh freedom, and even the simple task of buying groceries has been burdened with an apocalyptic weight. You can't even watch the news anymore, because it all just makes you sick to your stomach. What a miserable world this has become.

So what better time than now to introduce a brand-new podcast?!

And no, this is not the latest episode in the seemingly-defunct Lies My Podcast Told Me, which is actually going to return for a final run at some point this year (I promise!), but an all-new, all-different podcast, which... maybe isn't all that new or different.

It features myself and my cousin Ky, calling in from his home in sunny southern California, and we talk about current events. "Current events" meaning whatever latest nightmare has been unleashed upon our beleaguered world as a result of this horrifying pandemic. We also talk about other things, but the virus stuff is pretty front-and-center, so be warned. It's also probably the worst-sounding podcast you'll ever hear, since we are not men of means and are just figuring out this whole "remote podcasting" thing, although I assure you we will not ever get any better at this. That's the Fenderman Inc. promise!

The name of our latest utter failure podcast is Trappo's Chap House, and that name is entirely a coincidence and not at all related in any conceivable way to any other, more popular podcasts out there that you may or may not have heard of, absolutely not. We just thought that it was a cool name, and that's all there is to it.

Who is Trappo, you may ask? What the hell is a Chap House? All these questions and more will not be answered if you tune in! The first two episodes are posted below for your listening pleasure, and I use the term "pleasure" very loosely. Topics include booze, aerobics, Buddhism, the pandemic, grocery stores, social distancing, the pandemic, record shopping, nostalgia, what's in our liquor cabinets, the pandemic, Johnny Cage, and the pandemic.

It's a lot of fun! Maybe!

Chapter 01: Aerobicise Your Cares Away

Chapter 02: Dystopian Booze Hounds From The 21st Century!

New episodes will be posted every Friday until either the virus miraculously goes away, one or both of us drops dead, or we just lose interest and move on with our lives in this new, post-apocalyptic hellscape. So join us each week down at the Chap House, won't you? It's not very funny, and you won't learn anything either, so give it a listen!

Until next time, stay safe out there, folks. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and listen to Trappo. It might just save your life.*

*it absolutely will not save your life.

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