Sunday, June 28

Save Me, Save Me, Save Me From The Squeeze

Another week, another step closer to Armageddon.

The pandemic is still raging out of control across the U.S.A., and it seems that too many people have just completely given up attempting to control this situation in any meaningful way, throwing their hands up and letting multitudes die for no good reason. The president retweeted a video of some racist dick shouting "white power" at a group of protesters, and most news outlets just shrugged. A news story also broke this week that implicated a Russian intelligence agency's long-standing policy of paying bounties to folks who kill coalition soldiers in Afghanistan, American troops included. The president knew about this for months and still kissed Putin's ring, and only in the past 24 hours, after the story gathered a little momentum, has he bothered to tweet some bullshit excuse that he had no idea about this "fake news" story that probably isn't true, anyway, and then he just fucked off and went golfing with his favorite henchman, Lindsey Graham.

He's also decided that since COVID-19 is returning with a vengeance after many states have chosen to relax their social distancing policies, that now is the best possible time to cease funding to federal testing sites. And that's just scratching the surface of recent developments.

Mission accomplished, folks!

How is this wretched scumbag of a caricature of a 1950s comic book slum lord not spending the rest of his miserable life behind bars as I type this? This shouldn't even be a matter of politics, or of partisanship. The man simply should have been removed from office a long time ago. He's proven time and time again, with seemingly every official action he takes, that he is fundamentally unfit for the office of President of the United States of America. But I guess nothing matters anymore. Everything sucks, and it just keeps getting worse, and nobody's going to do anything about it. The attorney general is wiping his ass with the Constitution, and the Speaker of the House says it's a waste of time to hold the son of a bitch accountable. The president is pardoning corrupt toadies who have been convicted of numerous crimes because they didn't snitch, and the response from the mainstream media has essentially been a rousing chorus of "eh, what are ya gonna do". This world is an embarrassing shit show, and there's apparently nothing we can do about it.

Anyway, there's two new episodes of that fucking podcast that nobody listens to below for you to ignore on this miserable Sunday afternoon, because the way I see it, a double feature is always a good decision. The first episode, entitled Thanks For Being On My Podcast actually gets a little political with an official Trappo endorsement of Joe Biden for President of the Wasteland Formerly Known as The United States of America. Then we lighten things up with an effervescent discussion about the many different ways powerful men in the entertainment industry have gotten away with horrifying crimes over the decades. Next up, The Craft Show Hustle briefly mentions the corrupt homunculus in the Oval Office and the unavoidable topic of the pandemic, before taking a hard left turn with a nostalgic reminiscence of our late grandmother and her years spent peddling homemade goods on the craft show circuit. It's about thirty minutes' worth of stuff that will probably appeal to nobody outside of our target audience (hi, Josh!), and even then I'm not entirely convinced. But here it is anyway.

Chapter 11: Thanks For Being On My Podcast

Chapter 12: The Craft Show Hustle

That's it for now, friends. If we're all still alive next week, what say we get together and do this all over again?

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