Friday, October 16

Too Much Horror Business

Halloween! I love it! The sights, the sounds, the smells! It's all good! I adore wandering through the seasonal aisles at the supermarket, scrutinizing shelves choked with tiny plastic skeletons and floppy rubber bats, strings of colored lights adorned with transparent ghosts and pumpkins, and stacks and stacks of branded candy emblazoned with lurid images of benign ghosts and vampires beckoning me to join in on their holiday merriment. It doesn't matter that I've walked through the same aisles and gazed at the same shelves a dozen times or more, because I still get a small thrill when I have the chance to luxuriate in the warm glow of Halloween for a little while a few months out of the year at such an otherwise banal establishment. For six weeks every year, this little corner of my local supermarket is alive and magical, and not even this goddamned plague has been able to take that from me. 

The first time I visit that special corner of the grocery store and find the autumnal oranges and yellows and browns of Halloween having been replaced with the garish greens and reds of Christmas, my heart sinks, because that signals my favorite time of year is now firmly in the rear view. Such is life. Change is the only constant, and to everything there is a season, and blah, blah, blah... But the spirit of Halloween is alive and well within my heart all year long. I even have a special corner of my media room that remains permanently decorated with Halloween accoutrements, and whenever I'm feeling down, all I have to do is gaze at all the festive frights on display and my spirits are lifted once again. What can I say? It makes me happy. There's not a lot that really does make me happy these days, but Halloween has never failed to cheer me up, if only just a little, whenever I really need it to. 

And if you're looking for a little jolt of All Hallows Eve to lift you up out of the doldrums for a little while, then you've come to the right place, because it's time to unleash the third part of my Samhain-centered tetralogy upon an unsuspecting world! In this installment, Yours truly and my beloved cousin Ky relive beloved (and not so beloved) trick-or-treat memories, I gush over the oeuvre of niche goth country musician Lonesome Wyatt, and we wrap things up with a discussion of some of our favorite Halloween-related movies and television programs. It's a decent way to waste fourteen minutes of your life, so give it a listen below, or at iTunes, or... no, that's about it, I guess. Trappo's Chap House is not currently on Spotify or Google Podcasts, so it's pretty much just iTunes or Podomatic, which is more than enough ways to not listen to a Z-Grade podcast, if we're being honest.

Chapter 666: Trappo's SPOOK House! (Part 3)


 That's it for this week, fiends! Join me next Friday so we can wrap this all up and move on with our afterlives. 

Stay Spooky, Motherfuckers!

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