Friday, January 8

I Don't Want No RoboCop

So a few days ago, we had a teeny, tiny little coup attempt here in the United States. A heap of armed, crazy assholes laid siege to our nation's capital in an attempt to stop congress from certifying Joe Biden's electoral college win. They just walked right in and helped themselves to computers, podiums and whatever else they could get their greedy hands on since the lawmakers had been evacuated and these lunatics couldn't have the bloodbath they'd been hoping for. And most of the police in the area didn't do a thing to stop this. There's video posted online of cops moving barricades and just letting these people move forward, completely unencumbered. Because they were a bunch of racist white people. We all know how the government responds when people of color try to demonstrate their constitutional rights, don't we? 

These people... weren't doing that. These people were committing treason, encouraged by our nation's President and numerous sitting members of both the Senate and the House of Representatives based on a series of lies that have been disproven more times than any of us can count. Where were the reinforcements? Where was the National Guard? They didn't show up until after the show was over, because the federal government didn't bother to respond in a timely fashion to a fucking siege at the Capitol Building. All the MAGA chuds have scattered to the four winds since this riot, and most of them will face absolutely no consequences for their actions. In fact, they're planning a sequel for Inauguration Day in a few weeks, and they hope to see you there! 

And what about the sitting members of Congress who encouraged this behavior? Are they going to suffer any consequences? What about our leering demon of a commander-in-chief who has caused all of this? Will this reeking pile of anthropomorphic garbage face any consequences for the carnage he has wrought? In a just world, he would have been removed from office via the 25th Amendment before the last of the rioters had filed out of the National Mall and into federal custody. But we don't live in a just world, and this grotesque mockery of a human being is still our President today. And the Senators and Representatives who have undermined our democracy at every turn for months now are out there acting like it's business as usual, because the powerful have a different set of rules by which they abide. 

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there will be a reckoning for these fucking criminal scumbags in the near future. Maybe Donald Trump and his rotten family will all be celebrating this Memorial Day in prison where they belong and that rotten California Raisin-looking motherfucker Mitch McConnell can sit impotently by and watch his beloved Republican Party be reduced to rubble through progressive legislation and the end of the GOP stranglehold of the southern states. That's a lovely thought, friends. But we live in the real world, and in the real world peaceful BLM protestors are greeted with tear gas and head trauma, and racist, conspiracy theorist would-be-revolutionaries are greeted with broad smiles and selfies as police part like the fucking Red Sea to let them terrorize lawmakers for attempting to certify the results of a fair and lawful election because their guy lost. 

Prove me wrong! Please, for the love of all things holy, prove me wrong! I would love nothing more than to eat a shit-ton of wholesale CROW right now! Prove to me that there is justice and fairness in this rotten world! Trump's finally been permanently suspended from Twitter, so give me a little more hope! Because from everything I've observed thus far, we seem to live in Hell. 

And Hell has podcasts. 

This week's scintillating episode of Trappo's Chap House is the second half of my drunken memories of growing up being a huge comic book nerd in Kansas in the waning days of the 20th Century. I end up dwelling on the behavior of the elitist, gate-keeping pricks who tried to destroy my love for comics in my youth, and the behavior of the elitist, gate-keeping pricks who are still out there doing their damnedest to destroy comic books as a medium today. We also talk about Rock Lords. Remember Rock Lords?! We remember. Too many painful memories to possibly forget... So listen below, or wherever else. This shit's out there. You don't have to look too hard to find it. 

Chapter 32: Comic Book Guy (Part Two)



That's all I've got for now. Maybe we'll be able to get together next week and do it all over again. Without the comic book talk, of course. Or maybe with even more comic book talk. I don't know. Trappo might just become a fucking comic book podcast moving forward. Until then...

Stay Spooky, Motherfuckers!

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