Sunday, February 21

Now All I Want To Do Is Forget


Welcome back to the blog that time forgot! 

I don't know what that means, but I thought it sounded good, so I just typed it out, and now I'm going to have to live with the consequences of my actions. The blog that time forgot? That doesn't really make sense. Shit. I don't know what I'm supposed to say anymore. I'm trying really hard not to ramble on and on about the terrible state of the world in these posts, because it doesn't really do any good. There's nothing cathartic for me about sharing the crushing, suffocating dread I feel whenever I think about the way things are headed on this planet, and I don't want to keep bumming out the handful of people who actually bother to read this tripe on a regular basis, so I've been making a concerted effort to move away from that content in my regular posts. So instead, I'm left with... whatever this is supposed to be. Things have been absolutely miserable around these parts thanks to the horrifying winter weather that plunged average temperatures below zero for nearly two solid weeks, but it's finally beginning to warm up, and that's pretty cool. We never lost electricity around here, which is fan-fucking-tastic, because I don't think things would have ended well around here otherwise. My heart goes out to all the folks still struggling with the consequences of this terrible storm. 

Let's see, what else is there... I think that's just about it, really. That's all I've got. So I guess I can keep this short and sweet by introducing the latest episode of Trappo's Chap House and getting the fuck out of here while the getting's good. Get Woke! deals with the continuing slow, inevitable breakdown of society, the concept of "being woke", the lost colony of Roanoke, dank memes, and the truly horrifying fact that somebody out there is actually listening to this podcast. It's a lot of fun, and that's an outright lie! But you should still listen to this episode, because otherwise you won't hear me have a small nervous breakdown at the end of it, and nobody wants to miss that!

Chapter 35: Get Woke! (Trappo Is Canceled)



That was fun. We should do it again sometime. Perhaps in a few weeks, if we all haven't succumbed to this delightful fucking plague that stubbornly refuses to just go away and leave us in peace. I don't know what hot button issues we'll be covering in our next episode, but I'm sure you're all just dying to find out! 

Stay Spooky, Motherfuckers!

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