Friday, February 5

You Promised Me The Ending Would Be Clear


It's February! Already! So what happened to January? I guess it happened, right? Either way, January's over now, and that means February is here, and that means... come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure what that means. Does February mean anything? It's Black History Month. That's a pretty big deal. There's also Valentine's Day, which I actually discussed on this very blog back in 2012, if you were interested in checking that out. Good god, that was nine years ago. I've been doing this crap for a good, long while. Since 2009, apparently. 

I've been screaming into the void on this blog for over eleven years, man! It's been so long! When I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I no longer recognize the stranger in the reflection. I can feel myself deteriorating more and more with each passing day. Before too long, I'll be nothing but dust motes drifting along the breeze, a new subatomic constellation of detritus in the night sky. But I guess we're all on that one-way journey to the grave, aren't we? I hate to remind you of your inevitable end, but the grim reaper's already got your appointment penciled down in his little date book. We're all going to die some day. Hopefully not too soon. I'd honestly prefer to stick around as long as I possibly can. My life may not be perfect, but it's my life, and it matters quite a bit to me. 

Of course, I'm biased. 

How are you, Dear Imaginary Reader? Doing well, I trust? I'm alright, I suppose. Just hanging out, mostly editing podcasts and cataloguing my unwieldy music collection, which is surprisingly time consuming, let me tell you-- 

Wait a minute. Did somebody say podcasts?! Why, I have a podcast! What a delicious coincidence! Because unless my calculations are off, it is indeed time for a brand-new episode of Trappo's Chap House, everybody's favorite podcast! In the latest delightful installment, your intrepid hosts [names redacted] discuss the Halloween franchise, including the much maligned Halloween: Resurrection, A.K.A. the one where Busta Rhymes shouts "Trick of Treat, motherfucker!" and karate kicks Michael Myers into a live electrical wire, effectively killing the film series until Rob Zombie rebooted the whole damned thing five years later with his own much maligned Halloween, not to be confused with 1978's original Halloween, which is not to be confused with 2018's Halloween, which is not a remake of either 1978's Halloween or 2007's Halloween, but rather a sequel to 1978's Halloween that ignores every other sequel, making 2018's Halloween more of a remake of 1981's Halloween II, even though the 2018 Halloween takes place forty years after the events of 1978's Halloween, and 1981's Halloween II takes place immediately after the events of 1978's Halloween, even though the films were released three years apart. We also talk about the late Wes Craven and his magnum opus, 1982's Swamp Thing, starring The Cannonball Run actor Adrienne Barbeau. 

It's a lot of fun. So give it a listen. You won't regret it. And if you do, I really don't care.

Chapter 34: Ghost Writer



That's all I've got for now. Join me next week, or two weeks from now, or maybe some time in June, for the next exciting installment of whatever this is supposed to be. Until then...

Stay Spooky, Motherfuckers!

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