Sunday, March 14

Cross The Highways Of Fantasy


Welcome back, friends. It's time for a brand-new episode of Trappo's Chap House, the podcast that folks just can't seem to get enough of, if you can believe it. That's folks, plural, with an emphasis on that pesky letter s, and that's the one letter that makes all the difference. Now when I use the term "folks", I'm not talking about millions of folks, or even thousands of folks, but the term "folks" refers to more than one "folk", so it certainly applies in this case. Folks are tuning in to Trappo, and I have no idea why. It's definitely not this blog's audience that's driving up the numbers, since nobody reads this blog to begin with. And I'm not paying for any advertising, mostly because I don't have any money for advertising. All my money goes to the booze that gets me through my miserable existence. And comic books, or course. The comic books that get me through my miserable existence. 

Comic books and booze, that's the life for me. 

Do you ever get really drunk and just thumb through some random funny books in your various oblong boxes, either of the long or short variety? It's a lot of fun, let me tell you. Trying to make sense of all the lurid colors and the clever, bombastic lettering in your average issue of Howard Chaykin's  American Flagg while completely shitfaced is just a fucking blast. I encourage all of you to give it a try sometime. Unless you're underage. If you're underage, you should not be reading any issues of American Flagg. Trust me, it'll all just go right over your head. 

Oddly enough, this week's episode of Trappo is not about comic books or comic book-related topics, but I'm saving all that for next week. No, this week's episode is about all sorts of stuff that all you hep cats are sure to love! Your intrepid hosts kick things off with poking holes in Christian dogma for shits and giggles, then we stay topical with another hot-button issue and piss all over the multitudes of mouth-breathing cretins who willingly defend systemic racism by protesting the perfectly reasonable decision of changing the patently offensive names of various sports teams across the good ol' U.S.A. Then we cap things off with a discussion of the current COVID-19 vaccine rollout, and wrap things up with some abortion humor, because who doesn't want to laugh at the thought of dead babies? 

Chapter 37: Nerd Immunity



That's it. I'm all done here for another week. I guess we can get back together here in around seven days and do this all over again. That sounds like a plan to me. But until then...


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