Sunday, March 28

So Softly A Supergod Cries


It's Sunday, and that's the end of the week! Or the beginning of the week! Whichever you believe it to be. 

Why is Sunday considered the first day of the week, anyway? When you get down to it, Monday really should be the first day of the week. Sunday's the end of the weekend, emphasis on the end. But I guess it all goes back to religion, doesn't it? Sunday has seemingly been the day to honor the sun, or any number of deities that represent the sun, for thousands of years. This business may have started with the ancient Egyptians, who chose the first day of the calendar week to honor Ra, and I guess the tradition got passed around to the Romans, who used the day to praise Apollo, and later Sol Invictus, and Christians adopted the day to symbolize the first day of creation, when Yahweh said "let there be light". The Roman "dies solis" became the Middle English "sone day", and that became the modern "Sunday", and that's just about all there is to it. 

So... did we learn anything today? I didn't, because I already knew all this shit, but did you? Well, since you don't exist, I'd wager most likely not. 

Anyhoo, I didn't come here to prattle on and on about how much I despise Sundays, even though I certainly could. No, I'm here to introduce a brand-new episode of Trappo's Chap House, the podcast that simply refuses to die. This latest episode goes in depth on the recent developments in the world of the DCEU, or the DCU, or the currently unnamed series of loosely connected movies based on DC properties, wherein Ky and myself talk at length about Ta-Nehisi Coates being hired to write a new Superman project, the semi-forgotten Superman analogue Icon created in the 1990s by the late Dwayne McDuffie and M.D. Bright, racism in comics, the demystification of folk heroes, and the "Blue Fugates" of Kentucky, for some bizarre reason. Look, this episode's all over the place, but if it's any consolation, the episode's also pretty long, so I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of it.

Chapter 39: Reign Of The Supermen!



That's all I've got for you sons of bitches this week. I think this will be the last time we talk about comic book shit for a while. I think you, my imaginary listening audience, all need a break from this stuff. So next time we'll just have to come up with something else to chat about. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard. Until next time...


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