My carefully laid-out plan of staring at the night sky to view the wondrous Geminids Meteor Shower this weekend was flushed right down the toilet by Mother-Fucking Nature.
I go out Sunday night, around midnight, to take in the majesty of the cosmos, and... DENIED!!! Heavy cloud cover. That's a bummer.
So I venture out later on, around 3 AM, and the clouds have not relinquished their stranglehold over the sky.
So I decide to catch the tail-end of the meteor shower on Monday night. Clear skies all day. All Fucking Day. The All Mighty Sun takes his daily nap, and the Cirrus Fun Spoilers come a-rolling in once again, to give me the water vapor Finger.
And they remain above my head, mocking me with their cold, eyeless stare, ALL FUCKING NIGHT!!! Nature screwed me. I was heartbroken.
Of course, tonight is one of those crystal-clear, picturesque nights you only read about in Fairy Tales. But the meteors... they're gone. Gone with the Wind. Like Tuesday.
And "Invasion!" is finished. Still 218 hits. I guess people finally realized they shouldn't click on that "Video Response" link below the delightful "Happy In Paraguay" video. I don't blame them.
I don't know what I'm going to upload next. But I do know one thing. My previous video, "El Seismologist" has only 3(!!!) hits to date. 3 people watched it. And one of them lives in Croatia.
My next video will be very lucky, indeed to live up to that golden "El Seismologist" standard.
I feel like break-dancing!!!
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