Something you may not know about my delightful photoplays: They're old.
It all started as a goof during Black History Month (AKA February), 2006. I was hanging out with my friend Titus, and my cousin Ky. I had some black and white film, and a shoddy 35mm camera.
So we all dicked around for a while, and came up with a flimsy story about a brutal murderer (played by Titus), who stalks and kills a porn shop consumer (played by Ky). We shot it in about 40 minutes, driving around town and stealing shots at porn shops and public parks.
When it was finished, and the developed film came back to me, I put the "photoplay" in an album and called it "Night Ranger", because we all liked that song "Sister Christian".
After that, I just figured we could make a few more of these simple things. Come up with some weird concepts, shoot them quickly, and put them together for a quick giggle.
Between February, 2006, and September, 2007, we shot 24 of the damned things, including a new, color film version of "Night Ranger", called "The Sister Christian Remix". The photoplay called "Night Ranger 2" on my Youtube Channel is actually the original b&w version of "Night Ranger", with the added alternate ending involving the Sock Monkey that we shot for fun.
Earlier this year, I decided since I had this new editing software on my computer, that I could experiment with my old photoplays, turning them into odd little short films. I began the arduous task of scanning the old photos, cropping and correcting them, and cutting them to music, adding "funny" dialogue wherever I could.
I showed them as they rolled off the old assembly line to my friends and family, and they all seemed to enjoy them. Eventually, I chose to upload them to YouTube. Not sure why, really. Maybe I just thrive on disappointment.
3 of the old photoplays were so fucking lazy, they could never tell a semi-coherent story, so I never scanned them, choosing instead to let them languish in my old, tattered albums until Judgment Day.
The others, I am uploading to my YouTube channel, slowly and methodically, until my creative cache is exhausted.
That rather long-winded prologue brings me to the point of my story: I have created a brand-new photoplay.
Two nights ago, I got together with my cousin, we got creative, and the fruit of our loins is now on the Mighty Tubes of You for the masses to ignore.
It's called "The Christmas Miracle", and it tells the heart-warming story of a simple man who loves Christmas with all his heart. On Christmas Eve, he is visited by a mysterious stranger who teaches him the true meaning of the season.
I think it's actually funny. I really do. It's also my first photoplay shot with a digital camera, which certainly makes the entire process much quicker, if nothing else.
It's available on my channel, which is here: It's also available on my Channel Viewer, which is to your right.
'Tis the Season, right? Watch it, and let the warm feelings of the holiday flood into your cynical soul.
Or not.
Either way, I'm good.
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